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Monday, June 26th, 2006 - 11:22 PM

Character design for Paradox. The idea is that he's a fey with human and minotaurish forms. Guess which one I drew? :)

I've never drawn a minotaur, so I found this interesting to try. Of course, every minotaur I've ever seen has been either buffly huge and furry, or montrously ugly and D&D-ish.

Since his human form is that of a vain, 40-ish Italian fashion designer, I figured I would work in some stereotypical elements of that life. Like extra-large latte and excess body hair. Yes, his torso is hairless and human except for the 'treasure trail.'

My first attempt turned out too buff and obviously furry. I figured that I needed to go a different way. This is the result. He's still beefy, but not montrously so.

I also included a couple other references. The human head has jet black hair. However, given his vanity and age, I suspect the color's more Grecian than Italian.

Unfortunatly she didn't give me his name. :)

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