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Tuesday, September 6th, 2005 - 12:00 AM

The art see-saw strikes again. I had an adorable reference photo but I was in a terrible mood and therefore the art is bad. The feet were distorted in the photo and are really wretched.

It was not easy for me to draw tonight. I was feeling far too critical of everything I put down. I erased three other sketches before doing this one... and they were probably better. Why? I don't know. I think I'll have to take up my Livejournal again just to get feedback on my angst.

Speaking of feedback, if you like a picture or hate a picture, please tell me. It depresses me when 25 people look at a pic and and not one is moved to comment. That's the kiss of death for a piece. I'm not fishing for compliments, you see. Art is communication, and if no one says anything about my work, what's the point?

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